Sun. May 5th, 2024



Our mission is to provide the public in-depth insight into treatment under universal healthcare and to observe advantages and disadvantages.


Universal Healthcare Stories is a database of experiences from individuals who have received care under universal healthcare systems.

The experiences are from all over the world and are generally labeled as GOOD or BAD. Experiences can discuss the entire care process, from the initial call to the healthcare clinic to post-treatment care.

Interested sharing your story? Please click here.


Lauren Ell, Founder

Lauren Ell, founder of Universal Healthcare Stories

Lauren Ell was born and raised in Southern California, and has been living in Sweden since 2016. She has always been interested in discussing the pros and cons of universal healthcare, and determining which healthcare systems offer superior care. Ell first started working directly with health care in the United States in 2010 when she began having seizures and was eventually diagnosed with Epilepsy. She has also worked with the healthcare system in Sweden.

Ell can be found on Twitter and Instagram, as well as her personal website